
Monday 20 February 2017

نشر مشروع على قوقل لمطورين بواسطة اكليبس


Import Project

  1. Export Project from Buildbox.
  2. Open Eclipse. On start, you will be asked to select a ‘workspace’.  Just accept the default and continue.  (The concept of multiple workspaces can be useful if you are doing work for different companies and wish to keep everything totally separate.  It is outside the scope of this document).Google-Eclipse-1
  3. Click File → Import
  4. Select Android → Existing Android Code… then click NextGoogle-Eclipse-2
  5. Browse to the android directory of your project, tick the projects, and click [Finish]Google-Eclipse-3
Note: If you need to reload an updated version of your project you will need to delete the previous version from Eclipse then simply import the updated version.

Testing on Device

  1. Import your project into Eclipse
  2. Select imported project in Eclipse left sidebar
  3. Right-click and select Run → Run
  4. Select Android Application and click OKGoogle-Eclipse-4
  5. Select your device and click OK
  6. The game should start on your device

Testing on Device

  1. Import your project into Eclipse
  2. Select imported project in Eclipse left sidebar
  3. Select Run → Run
  4. Select Android Application and click OK
  5. Select your device and click OK
  6. The game should start on your device

Build APK

  1. Right click your imported project from the sidebarSelect Android Tools → Export Signed Application Package
  2. Click [Next]Google-Eclipse-Keys-1
  3. If you have a keystore already:
    1. Select Use Existing Keystore
    2. Enter Password for the keystore and click [Next]
    3. Select Alias, Enter Password (or create new key) then click [Next]
    4. Goto step 5.
  4. If you don’t have a keystore already:
    1. Select Create new keystore
    2. Browse to Location and enter new Filename
    3. Enter Password and click [Next]
    4. Enter Alias name, Password and 30 for years
    5. Enter the rest of your info (at least one field) then click [Next]
  5. Click [Finish]
Note: You must use this keystore and alias for every version of your game. You must remember the passwords. If you lose the keystore or forget the passwords you will not be able to update your game. You cannot recover a lost keystore. You can have multiple aliases in a single keystore.


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